Halit Tüfek was born in Istanbul in 1993. He graduated from the Cinema TV department of Yeditepe University in 2016. Starting from 2012, he began his professional life as a director's assistant on various advertisement film projects. In 2017, he met Senem and decided to work together. Halit stands out with his emphasis on the power of effective communication and practical solutions. Close-up shots and thrilling storytelling are his distinguishing features.

Senem Akirman Tüfek was born in Istanbul in 1995. While in high school, studying in the Journalism department, she made documentaries and short films. She started her career in the industry in 2012 as a director's assistant at Ciner Media Group. She graduated from the Faculty of Aeronautics and Space Sciences at Özyeğin University. After her experience in the advertising department of Turkish Cargo, she went on to make advertisement films. The blend between her passionate and meticulous visual style is her distinguishing feature.

Duo Rifle, after 2017, doubled its impact in the film industry as a duo directorship and got married in 2022. Their short film “Tomorrow Not Today” was selected for the “First-Time Filmmaker Sessions” hosted by the 2023 Lift-Off Global Network and was screened at the Pinewood Studios in England. It also won an award at the “Festival del Cinema di Cefalù”. The most significant characteristic of Duo Rifle is to move in sync with different ideas. Their working careers continue with both advertisement films and the feature-length film scripts they write.


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